Christian Permann is a postdoctoral researcher in the Cheminformatics Research Group at the University of Vienna. He finished his Bachelor’s and thereafter Master’s degree in Computer Science with a Scientific Computing focus at the University of Vienna. His expertise lies in the design and implementation of high-performance algorithms for scientific applications. For his Master’s thesis, he developed a tool for visual cluster analysis and simplified semi-supervised consensus clustering. After his Master’s studies, he worked with the “Research Platform Next Generation Macrocycles to Address Challenging Protein Interfaces” as part of his PhD which aimed to improve the state of the art in the domain of computer-aided drug discovery, with special emphasis on macrocyclic molecules. His current work is related to the scalability and generalizability of state of the art methods in chemoinformatics such that those can be used accurately for all kinds of datasets while utilizing the available hardware resources as efficiently as possible.

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